9-1-1: Lone Star (2020–2025)
Not terrible, not great either
28 January 2020
More 9-1-1 style stories, but also much weaker than the original show. Rob Lowe plays a typical Rob Lowe character. He is very picky about his looks abd has a beauty regiment. The diverse cast is written to be that way. You got a gay son, large black man, Muslim woman, and hispanic guy. The team was assembled to be diverse because of the city's past of good old boy network.

The shows stories are not quite as strong as the original, but decent enough. Acting is fine except for Liv Tyler. She is awful! Every line is said with the same inflection and delivery. She is easily the worst part of this series.

I'm willing to keep watching this for the time being, but if it gets canned after the first season i won't miss it. Better shows have only lasted one season and i miss them more than I will ever miss this.
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