Contamination (1980)
Bring A Book
27 January 2020
It seemed like some producers saw Alien a few times and walked away thinking the best part was the chestburster scene, so they decided to make a film filled with chestburster sequences and that's how we got Contamination. Like most Italian horror films from this time, the gore is admirable, it's reasonably well shot, the dubbing is godawful, and nothing makes a whole lot of sense. Unfortunately, Contamination also happens to be painfully boring with long stretches of not much happening.

It's already a risk in a horror film to have long sequences of dialogue and exposition, but when it's performed this horribly (and dubbed poorly), it's a death sentence for a movie. All we have to look forward to are the effects which, after the first 20 minutes or so, don't show back up until an hour into the film, which gives us too much time to mull over how little the movie makes sense.

What could have been daffy fun turns into a slog with only a decent Goblin score to keep the audience awake.
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