Alone at last! OUCH!!!
20 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One snowy day I drove my wife and Pit bull Terrier Bunky over to my in-laws. The plan was simple, drop them off and walk the two blocks to the boulevard to open my Ice Cream shop. When we arrived luckily to my amazement there was a parking spot directly in front of my In-Laws home. No sooner when I parked my vehicle, my Wife stormed out of the car and ran into the house to relieve herself. That left me with the daunting task of getting my dog out of the back seat and into the house. Bunky wouldn't budge. My complacent, lethargic terrier laying on the backseat all comfy in the warmth. I yanked his leash and yelled, "C'mom, come on." He wouldn't move. I was standing on an icy patch of uneven snow. My feet gave out from under me as my body fell forward. The force of my torso slid toward the rear passenger door causing the car door to slam shut on my thumb. To make matters worse the doors locked and I was stuck with my left thumb pinned inside the door. I was too mad to remember any pain , only the embarrassment of being helpless in the frosty open air with my left hand stuck in a car door for the whole world to see. The Big Bang Theory is about two nerdy physicists who live a two bedroom Pasadena,California apartment. To exhibit their brilliance, they manage to destroy their elevator. Our leading characters are played by Johnny Galecki as lactose intolerant bespectacled cellist Leonard Hofstadler. His room mate Dr. Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) who intellectually comes off as strange. I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs describing the complex Sheldon but his performances throughout this sit-com are legendary. Despite Sheldon's brilliance he can't drive an automobile and when threatened he shows childlike qualities. When Sheldon pulls a gaffe or shows or displays ignorance toward basic sarcasm the response would be "I've been Tested!" Sheldon also displays O.C.D. and suffers from Mysophobia. They have friends /col-lieges down at the research center at California Polly Tec. Dr. Raj koothrapolli , (Kunal Nuyyar) an Indian Astrophysicist who is insecure, mostly about woman. RAj is petrified of the opposite sex. When questioned by Perky Nebraska born Penny (Kelly Cuoco) who lives across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard, Raj dummies up and uses his close pal Howard Wolowitz (Simon Helberg ) as a go between. Wolowitz is the a-typical nice nerdy Jewish boy. Howard received a Master's in Engineering from M.I.T. which for some reason doesn't impress the condescending Sheldon who trumps his personal success processing a Doctorate. Other first impressions of Howard show him to be diminutive in stature wearing child like clothing./ Howard shares a home with his bellicose Mom, (Carol Ann Susi) Not Shown, who yells at him over every mundane situation. Alone in his bedroom Howard constructed a robotic arm with working hand with all functioning digits. This devise was originally used as a back-rub . Howard wasn't only satisfied being pleasured that way, instead he re-positioned the machine to his genitalia in which the robot grabs his privates. One wrong push of a button and Howard could be castrated. Howard is in dyer need for help having this cumbersome devise stuck to his groin. He can't tell his Mom, so he calls his geeky friends for support as they head to the emergency room and further embarrassment. On another front, milder by comparison, Asexual Sheldon is ready to date Amy Fowler (Mayim Bialik) and recruits Penny to drive them on their first date. Clueless Sheldon picks up Amy who sits alone in the back seat of Penny's Car with Check Engine light still on, (another running gag in the series.) As for my stuck thumb I couldn't reach my keys in the other pocket or the door to open the car as electronic doors didn't apply in this 1980's vehicle. I yelled and screamed for help trying to scoop up some snow and throw it at the window to get my In-Laws attention. Finally my Sister-In-Law came out and just laughed at me. Being stuck is no fun!
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