Tall Girl (2019)
Worst Movie of 2019?
18 January 2020
The movie is of the opinion that even though the main character is a very attractive girl, since she is tall, she is therefore ugly. Yeah... That makes zero sense!

This movie is littered with embarrassing high school movie clichés!
  • The bully is a bully because she's insecure
  • Token black girl best friend combined with the quirky best friend cliché
  • Makeover
  • Clichéd insults like, "How's the weather up there?"
  • Handsome foreign-exchange student
  • Main male character has a crush on main female character
  • Main female character has no interest in the main male character until the end of the movie

There are stupid set ups with equally stupid payoffs. Like the box the main male carries around. I mean, seriously?

And what is up with the cinematography of this movie? It doesn't fit at all! It's like the director saw Mr. Robot and thought to themselves, "Ooo, yeah, I want to do that!"
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