Arrow: Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four (2020)
Season 8, Episode 8
You Have Failed This Universe
15 January 2020
It's no secret that I've been critical of some of the choices the CW and showrunners have made regarding the "death" of Oliver. Sure, he had the sendoff with some characters from Arrow in the episode prior to Crisis, but to not have Diggle & other close ones in the crossover episode in which he dies? A massive mistake. With that said, this episode did a nice job of fixing those mistakes and presenting an interesting way to send the character off that provided closure & a sense of hope for this universe (even if I won't be one of the people watching the Arrowverse going forward). I would be remiss if I didn't mention the shocking cameo from Ezra Miller as The Flash in the brief scene with our Flash, Grant Gustin. I never in a million years thought that crossover would be possible, even if it's a one-off and more than likely the first and only time we see such a crossover. As I will also say with the second episode of the Crisis finale, overall it was a welcomed return and ending for our favorite emerald archer, though i didn't have much hope for either part 4 or 5 anyway.

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