Underwater (2020)
If the movie has Zero character development...
13 January 2020
....horrendous acting, no explanation for what happens, lacks a great deal of real scares, and is constantly shot in dark to save money, you can expect about 20 shill regular reviewers to tell you it was one of the best movies they ever saw, or the very over used "better than expected" in their reviews. The check from Fox/Disney is in the mail!

Let me start with Stewart. She cannot act. People aren't bothering to go to her movies. She can change her hair, makeup, dress, it's still the same blank looks.

They go right into the action. Their underwater station is imploding. Why? We never find out, why bother? This is set 7 miles underwater. A human cannot withstand this pressure. Not even for a 5 seconds! This depth would destroy a nuclear sub! Those are made out of reinforced high grade metal.

The comparisons to Alien are a slap in the face to that movie!

It's all about survival with no explanation as to how all this happened. Possibly you'll look to survive too, by leaving in the middle.

One last point, this movie wrapped up 3 years ago! That's always a bad sign.
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