Underwater (2020)
Watch 1989's 'The Abyss' instead...
11 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As you might guess from the title - not alot of creativity on display here. Basically 'Alien' crossed with 'Quarantine' set on the bottom of the Pacific. Though the movie has zero Lovecraftian qualities, the megalithic monster is as good a Cthulhu as we can ask for, however (typical of CG monstrosities) scenes are too dark and too close up to make out appreciable details. Performances are smothered by the instantaneous catastrophe at the very start of the movie; characters are in crisis mode throughout with no opportunities for emotion or arch to shine through. The unrelenting panic and tension makes the few moments of cynical comic relief feel grossly inappropriate. The 'sci' in the sci-fi is also drowned out by monotonous panic; characters hurriedly press buttons, rewire circuit boards, and hop in and out of atmospheric diving suits without conventional exposition for the layman viewer. Not fully seeing the creature proved a severe strength in 'Alien', but not knowing what characters are doing or why makes it hard to follow any film. Look out for Neil deGrasse Tyson's scathing fact-checks soon.

If you want a deep-sea thriller with fantastic story, bold characters, and edge-of-your-seat panic, check out 1989's THE ABYSS.
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