Like a Boss (2020)
These talents deserve better
11 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This clearly isn't a movie targeted towards me. Being a 30 year old man, I am for sure not the audience that this is meant for. That didn't stop me from enjoying stuff like Girls Trip, Bridesmaids, and Spy. All of those too are targeted towards a female audience, but I enjoyed them in their own right as they were funny and well made comedies.

This is just looking to capitalize on those kinds of movie and make a quick buck in January. It's extremely unfunny and really predictable. My girlfriend, who was the reason I saw this, usually enjoys movies in this similar wheelhouse, but even she ended up not liking it all that much either. All of the leads deserve better and have done better.

The only jokes that got a laugh out of me was one about Calliou and one involving Billy Porter's dramatic exit from a dinner. Everything else is just really forced moments and not funny. Salma Hayek is playing a cartoon villain that just doesn't fit in a movie like this either. She is only a few steps away from a cackling villain on a Saturday morning cartoon.

The plot in a comedy doesn't have to be much if the jokes carry it, but this plot was just really plain and boring. The two leads sell their company to Hayek. Eventually the two of them fight and split for a few scenes, then come to the realization they still need each other. Just super run-of-the-mill and tedious.

Not worth anyone's time and you're much better off re-watching the lead's better works in recent years like Girls Trip, Bridesmaids, Spy, or Neighbors.
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