Underwater (2020)
Underwater is a mixed attempt at finding new resources for our entertainment industry.
8 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Remember three years ago, there was a movie called Life acted by Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal & Rebecca Ferguson? Okay, but instead of venturing into space, let's dive into water. And that's what you get from this movie, just that this is worse from Life. Not that it is bad either.

Underwater feels very similar to Life in a way that it keeps the direction all the same. Plus, the lighting will also remind you of the 2017 movie.

The storyline goes as these engineers who are looking for resources 7 miles below the ocean are unexpectedly bombarded with floods within their facilities and as time runs out, they must find a way to get back to land without knowing that something is lingering in the dark waiting to devour them. Basic storyline, formulaic one-by-one technique but its spotlight mostly covers on the intense escapade to find their way back to the shore. No worries, it's better than those 47 Meters movies.

As everyone is wondering how Stewart performs, her acting here is not bad but not great too. It's acceptable. For a not-so-serious sci-fi film, she pulls this off quite decently. The tension is there, it's always there, and it manages to increase its intensity by styling the camera work and also the lighting effect. It does not rely fully on cheap jump scares.

The best thing about Underwater has got to be its starting point. The film does not drag the movie with 30 minutes development before anything starts to occur. It goes straight to its main plot; 'survival is the key'. But here what it suffers, the development only shows its strength by half of the film and by that time, it's already too late for the audience to even give a thing about the characters.

Now let's get to the slo-mo parts. They utilize this aspect quite a lot in the beginning and final 10 mins. Usually, we would get irritated by how much it sprinkles onto every scene but Underwater gets it right. And for a thriller/sci-fi, Underwater increases its thrilling factor by slowing down its motion picture. Adding to that, it looks cool.

What I dislike the most is Underwater brings very little to the table. It's short with merely 90 minutes and instead of flooding the audience with many sub-stories, it leaves you feeling almost empty with only drops of information to satisfy our experience.

By the final 20 minutes, you will be wondering if this is a spin-off to Godzilla. I thought the unknown species were gonna be realistically scary, but nope ,it rejects the notion to push that scary button and entertains the audience with a yet another tame PG-13 monster. But I can guarantee that the ending will not be as depressing as Life. Life has a good ending for those who want to find different satisfaction. For Underwater, it will please most of the audience thought it ends quite abruptly.

Verdict: Underwater is a not-so-exciting adventure that tries to find its resources more than what other movies of the similar genre have provided, but in the end, the only thing you might find here is a sea of mineral water.
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