THX 1138 (1971)
Failed to Connect
8 January 2020
THX 1138 is some early dabbling in sci-fi by George Lucas. I wouldn't say it was a failure, but I will say that in comparison to Star Wars it looks like the day after Burning Man.

The biggest problem with the movie to me was connection--or more accurately, its failure to connect. I didn't fully understand what was going on and that can be for one of several reasons. Eliminating viewer intellect as a reason for misunderstanding the onus has to fall on the writer and/or director, which in this case was Lucas on both counts.

Either he assumed we'd pick up on the jargon and the action as the movie progressed or he didn't care whether or not we picked up on the jargon and the action. THX 1138 went the way of artsy and esoteric thereby leaving behind us simpler viewers that are looking for a story and a plot that we can actually grasp.

I could fathom that the movie is a dystopian future movie in which we are over reliant upon technology. From what I did catch, we have been turned into workers and consumers with no other freedoms besides working and consuming. The world the people were living in was a sanitized monochromatic world devoid of nature. But I was only able to snatch a few words here and there to give me direction and understanding-- far too little to give me appreciation.

As I mentioned, there was a connection issue. I failed to connect with the story or the characters, which are two major necessities. If a movie can't connect you to its plot and its characters then it will lose you. This movie lost me.
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