Nurses (2020–2021)
A real nurse is watching
7 January 2020
So disappointed. Where are the experienced nurses? Why are all the nurses brand new and just out of school? This show is completely unbelievable.

Who is advising on this show? I read that there are "real medical professionals on hand to keep it as accurate as possible". Seriously? Even a just little bit of accuracy would allow me to get past all this and enjoy it. Right now it's a bunch of 20-somethings with little to no experience running a trauma ER. Whoever the producers hired to advise are completely out of touch with how things are in our profession. Grey's Anatomy was well advised and it was believable, so the reviews comparing this show to it are obviously not written by anyone familiar with the nursing profession or anyone who has actually been in an ER.

I had such high hopes for this after reading and loving Tilda Shalof's books (which apparently inspired the producers of this show?!). Change it up- get a balance of experienced and novice nurses and a new *nursing* advisory crew!
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