Review of Ashby

Ashby (2015)
7 January 2020
Ashby is an unoriginal coming of age dramedy. Misfit Ed Wallis (Nat Wolff) has moved into a new town after his parents have split up.

Ed is a smart alec who wants to try out with the high school football despite not having the build and is a bit of a nerd. He fancies classmate Eloise (Emma Roberts.) Ed also has to put up with his mother (Sarah Silverman) who likes casual sex.

Ed gets friendly with his crusty neighbour Ashby (Mickey Rourke) who he initially approached to find out more about old people.

Ashby gets Ed to drive him around to places and they find out more about each other. Ashby is not a former napkin salesman as he claimed but a retired CIA hitman. He is also very ill and has a short period to live.

While Ashby makes amends that he might have been used to kill people that were never a risk to national security. He also teaches Ed a little about life and how to defend himself. In short Ashby becomes a father figure to Ed.

It is all very hard believe. Ashby and Ed bond very quickly. Ed turns out to be a very good fast receiver on the football field. Ed easily strikes up a relationship with Emma when all through the movie I found Ed to be a mouthy irritant.

Ashby is watchable enough but is a half baked hybrid of various high school themes themes with an uneven tone.
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