Okay But A Bit Inappropriate In Some Parts
5 January 2020
I am not the target audience but I know what to look for in kids shows and have some thoughts on this. Though this show is loads better in terms of the humor and characters presented in Peppa pig, there are a lot more innapropriate and downright crude things in it.

There is a part in the show where Holly's little sisters, Daisy and Poppy, make their mother, Queen Thistle, disappear. The characters then make a remark as to how the queen disappeared and left her crown and...panties. I don't know if that's necessary or that kids really needed to know about that. They kept repeating it too. I'm sure it's supposed to be funny but my little brother, who is 5, started saying "panties?" And I was really not comfortable with that.

This show also says bullying is okay. The kids were going to ride some snails which are shown as being really cool and fun and there's a slug named Samson who's portrayed as slimy and green and sad. As soon the the snail trainer shows kids the slug, the kids say "eww" very loudly and Samson begins to cry. The trainer then says "I have no idea why nobody wants to pick you." And nothing else and I felt really bad for him. They then take the snails out to ride and poor Samson follows them to feel accepted and make some friends because nobody picked him. One of the kids says to the trainer that Samson the slug is following them and the trainer immediately takes him back while he cries. The trainer says something about how he's never allowed to follow them because he's not a snail. There's no more mentioning the slug after that and he's just left sad. You'd think they'd resolve that and make him be accepted but that's it. That really didn't sit right with me. Moreover, it looked to me like the writers were rushing through and forgot that they put Samson in there.

The show also shows cheating is okay when nanny plum uses magic to make Ben elf win in a competition and when nanny copies the wise old elf's ship design when trying to impress the Marigolds, another royal family and it turns out to be okay in the end. The fairies are also shown to be superior than the elves when they should be equal. I like the humor pointed towards the fairies being lazy and not being able to do anything without using magic, but the fairies and elves should be equal by them not hating the others ways.

They should also not make a ladybug bark as that's completely inaccurate.

I love some of the humor directed at adults just like in Peppa pig but they really should be aware of what kind of content that humor brings about. They really need to have someone check some of their episodes over so that's it's fun for adults and for kids and so that kids are not left wondering why a queen wears panties and what panties are and instead, worry about making friends and knowing your self and learning valuable life lessons that some parents may have missed or emphasize the ones they have already taught.
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