Two Turtle Doves (2019 TV Movie)
Among Hallmark's Best for 2019
5 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie does virtually everything right. The writing is solid with a straight forward plot, a conflict that is established from the beginning, and intelligent dialogue. The leads are excellent and have a chemistry that develops as the story goes on. Virtually nothing feels contrived in this movie. Every character interaction feels organic. MAYBE the lawyer should work a little more, but he is only a real estate lawyer and it is Christmas. Nikki DeLoach plays Sharon Hayes, another of these amazing, extremely-unlikely-to-be-single women who is a genius, attractive and passionate. There is pretty much nothing to dislike about her character. I like Nikki in nearly everything, and this is no exception. Michael Rady grew on me as the movie went on. Good actor who works well with Nikki. These movies often have a secondary theme and this one's is grief and loss at Christmas time. Both leads, Sharon and Sam, are dealing with the loss of a loved one. Sharon is back home dealing with the last will and testament of her grandmother. Sam is still obviously grieving over the loss of his wife. Widowers are common in these movies, but usually it is just mentioned and doesn't play an affectual role in the movie. That isn't the case here. Sam and his daughter dealing with their loss over the holidays is an important part of both character arcs. In the end, both parties will help each other with their grief. The conflict is probably Hallmark's #1 suspect with Sharon seemingly having to chose between her career and returning to NYC versus a relationship with Sam and living in her grandma's house. A weaker part of the movie is that this conflict isn't as straightforward as it is in other movies where there is a clear choice between the old life and the new, between the big city and the small town, between the career and love. I said Sharon "seemingly" had to choose between her career and Sam because it is never explained how Sharon winning a grant would automatically lead to her leaving town and going back to NYC. She merely suggests that is the case. The ending of this one is well done partially because it was set up by an excellent scene 15 minutes earlier. The end not only sees the resolution of the conflict, but it also brings a big surprise for Sharon (not the audience), which is an added bonus. Two Turtle Doves is ultimately an entertaining and thoughtful Christmas romance that is among the best for Hallmark in 2019.
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