In words from a Mexican
4 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Todas las pecas del mundo, or, as it was know in United States, "All The Freckles in the World", can be seen in two different ways. It works really well if you want to take a look, of how it used to be Mexico, during the 90's. I really liked that they wanted to choose an ugly actor for the main character, because it represents much better how most of the Mexican kids and teenagers are. The music is great, there are quite good songs from groups such as "Café Tacvba". And, in the first 30 minutes, it kind of seems that you're about to watch a nice film, that shares the same style from a lot of Mexican films from the 2000's, like "Amar te Duele", but, with modern touch.

And, it wasn't... Todas las Pecas del Mundo, starts very well, and it seems that most of the characters (and the story itself) surely is going to have a good development. But, you never get a true ending. Everything is half done. José Miguel never stops being an idiot, and the main reason why this movie is so hard to watch after the introduction. All the movie, is just about him and his desire to be Cristina's boyfriend. And that's it. He is one of the worst protagonists that I have ever seen in a Mexican movie. He's a jerk, from the beginning, to the end of the movie. And, that's not the worst part. The thing that really makes you stop watching this movie, is that the own film wants you to stay by his side, even when clearly he's acting as a bad friend, son and (just before the end) boyfriend. The movie never gives room for other characters as Malo or Liliana, when obviously, they bring more things to the main plot than Miguel.
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