1 January 2020

Forget sparks-Rachael Leigh Cook and Benjamin Ayres have a bad vibe going on. Ms. Pushy & Mr. Busy/Disinterested are a bad match from the first.

"I'll do everything!" She insists, twice. He makes her repeat it. Then we're hit with the montage of her in-your-face involvement and time swallowing.

Did Hallmark think this was cute?

Willow is entitled and overbearing. David offers stammered half-objections. Both mannerisms would be annoying from characters 10 years younger.

Trust us HMC; this is way too much wedding detail for anyone to care about.

The 1 star goes to Cook for trying with this missed lasso. In the same way David is checked out with the inn, Ayres seems to be dialing it in from another set.
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