AMAZING SHOW. So Unique and Intelligent
30 December 2019
I absolutely love this show. I get that technically an Rating of 7.6 is really good, great even but somehow it seems far to low for a show of this quality with this much going for it. It's one of those shows that are so well written and acted that you just don't get tired of it. But this one goes even further joining some elite company in my book, I have probably watched every season so far 15 times in a row (I'm not exaggerating) every time I finish it all I wanna do is start it again. There has only ever been 2 shows that I can replay basically indefinitely and not get tired of it, this show is one and the other is Archer. What I love about it is they aren't afraid to poke fun at the silliness and non sense related to religion and christianity specifically. They bring up and point out the errors and mistakes of christianity and it's bible in a subtle way. It's just a fabulous show that being a show with such short episodes makes every second count and packs a lot into those 12 minute episodes. If you read this and the other comments and you still don't go watch it I don't know what is wrong with you lol.
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