Hatton Garden (2019)
Unconvincing True Story
27 December 2019
Oh what a shame! A true crime story is normally just my thing and add in the twist that the record-breaking 2015 heist was pulled off by pensioners and there's a great story here. And let's give credit where credit is due. The mechanics of how the crime was executed and how the gang were ultimately brought to justice were well explained. So what failed to float my boat?

Although aged, the perpetrators of the Hatton Garden burglary were experienced career criminals. As mentioned on several occasions, the crime was three years in planing and there is the first missed opportunity. A single 30 second scene in a 4 hour mini-series was given over to this meticulous planing.

This was probably because had more coverage been given, the bungling, stereotypical east end criminal gang would have seemed all the more farcical. We had the world's worst driver/lookout, bickering like school kids, while executing the robbery and finally the final bit of plausibility exiting stage-left.

One of the gang nearly suffers a diabetic coma during the robbery. The same guy is of course sensible enough to carry his medicines with him, so one of his colleagues is able to supply the necessary glucose injection just in the nick of time. Obviously a £200M burglary lacks drama for the writers.

So a true story, spoiled for me by unconvincing characters. That's just bad writing.

Oh, and for a bit of fun, take a close look at episode three when two of the gang are excitedly going through the newspaper coverage of their crime. That couldn't have been the photo of Prince Andrew with his arm around the young lady he never met back in the papers of 2015, could it?
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