Santa Jaws (2018)
The most unintentionally hilarious movie ever
25 December 2019
I would like to start off by saying that before this movie I didn't have account. I have never reviewed a movie and didn't think I would ever need to. But this film was so bad I decided to take time out of my busy Christmas Eve to create an account and share my thoughts. This was by far the worst acting, directing, writing, and special effects I have ever seen in a movie. This movie is so bad I can't remember a 1 characters name. While everyone in this movie makes hallmark actors look like academy award winners, I would like to give a special shout out to Reid Miller who is the main character in this movie. This dude is by far the worst and best part of this movie. His performance is so bad and cringeworthy it makes this film worth watching because it is hilarious. I would also love to give the writers a shoutout for providing the most awful and hilarious one liners in movie history. In conclusion, if you want to crap yourself laughing at an hilariously bad movie that takes itself too seriously I suggest you watch it. But if you actually respect film making and would like to not have suicidal thoughts, don't give it a go. Happy Holidays!
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