What was that?
24 December 2019
Watched this on a flight, drawn in by Stallone. I could not understand how people with money invested in producing this script and Stallone, who must have an idea about good movies, agreed to be in it.

Without spoiling it, the character motivations are ambiguous at best, and completely illogical at worst. The beginning of the movie is an absolute mess - I kept hoping everything would come together, but it was just a bad script. It was as if nobody cared about what they were doing, from writers to actors to editors, nobody was interested in making a great movie. What was that BS about buying a building in Ohio? And why did they return to Ohio from Lithuania or wherever that prison was? And Why did they put the bad guy's father in a cargo box?

Why go through the hypocrisy of faking a plot here? On the same flight, I watched John Wick 3. Also an action movie that doesn't go into developing a deep plot, but at least they were self aware about it and made the bare essential plot line (kill assassins before they kill you) make sense. In this, they couldn't make a coherent story out of "save girlfriends from kidnappers."

Pure trash.
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