Rated both Game and Short, small review, impression, and opinion of series season 1, Witcher 3 Wild Hunt game review
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well season 1 from Netflix wasn't nearly as high octane as this short but its not without merit. The 8 episodes did a fair job of getting the pieces on the board and setting up a season 2 that should ramp up considerably. My early guess is they have 3 seasons planned and depending how it goes we may get only 1 season, 3 seasons, or more than 3 seasons with either a lot of filler or elements added that aren't part of the main storyline. (how cool would the 3 wishes of Heart of Stone and/or the night of fangs and the elder's cave from Blood and Wine be?). I would rather see 3-5 good seasons than have it stretch out for a decade and have a GoT finale'. >>>>>>>>>*POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD*<<<<<<<<< Personally the only things I am genuinely miffed about is changing Dandelion's name and whatever costuming did to the Nilfgaardians armor (are we supposed to believe its composite armor?). Also wondering if Triss not being a redhead has to do with the rumor Triss is actually Lytta Neyd AKA Coral who assumed her identity (Triss supposedly fell at the Battle of Sodden Hill). There are other changes that may chap the purists or those who are sick of casting habits (its okay if there isn't a transexual squid or a size 22 princess in every production, honest!). There was some grumbling about Fringilla Vigo being cast as black though I have no knowledge of how that changed anything but appearance from the book and game. Maybe movies will one day make everyone blue like in Avatar so people can stop worrying about who is this or that though I do oppose casting solely for the purpose of virtue signaling (lets not forget 12 Years a Slave won 3 Oscars- several people who voted in favor later admitted they hadn't bothered to actually watch it, rather it was 'time' for such an award lification, this is hearsay, I heard of this happening, I didn't hear it first hand]. I don't remember what other movies it was up against but it was an excellent film and should have been paid the respect of being judged on the work instead of rubber stamped by mouthbreathers who think an unearned victory is worth anything to those who chase excellence- save the handicap awards for Whoopie Goldberg and her ilk)

Witcher 3 is the best PC game since the first KOTOR game came out imo, on my 5th run through with over 1000 hours played and I still get boned by the horse race in the tournament a couple times before I hit stride and can complete it (going to try some unorthodox methods next). Would love a Witcher 4 Adventures in Toussaint or even as an expansion... so much left undone after the business with Anna Henrietta ... Orianna gets hers in the above video but I would rather craft my own version. There are a couple groups of knights from the tourney who want Geralt dead, maybe they join forces with survivors of the Hanse knights and that managed to escape or survive an encounter with a witcher, maybe even a jailbreak! There are at least 3 maybe 4 greater vampires in Toussaint, after Dettlaff's Night of the Long Fangs stunt the Duchess must be interested in ensuring such a threat doesn't manifest a second time to murder and terrorize the subjects of Beauclaire, perhaps Geralt would train and lead a troupe of vampire slayers. The elder may want to have words with Geralt after learning about his encounter with Gaunter O'Dimm, defeating the Wild Hunt, Dettlaff and Orianna, his relationship to Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, and friendship with Regis may convince the elder Geralt is trustworthy and a key to get back to his own world, conversely having survived his 1st attack and going on to slay 2 greater vampires the elder may see Geralt as the threat Dettlaff was sold as, especially if he starts training vampire hunters. The palace was once inhabited by elves, who knows what lurks in the catacombs and caverns beneath them and the other elven structures throughout Toussaint and the palatial gardens. Then there is Corvo Bianco to consider... will it be attacked by vagabonds led by disgraced knights and razed to the ground or will the vineyard become productive and Geralt finds his alchemy skills make him especially gifted in the production of fine libations perhaps even surpassing Est Est in world renown? Of course this wouldn't sit well with Count Borhis or the Merchants guild depending how the Mutual of Beauclair's Wild Kingdom quest concluded. Then there is the resurgence in Gwent popularity following the new Skellige deck taking Count Monnier's tournament, much to the chagrin of some, and leads to an ever expanding league of tournaments culminating in the Grand Tournament of Beauclair where hundreds of rounds are played over 3 days on a point elimination system where the scores of the hands are tallied to determine who will be the Undisputed Master of Gwent for a year with fabulous prizes for the finalists and additionally a trophy for the champion. Vesemir should have a shrine... near the olive grove perhaps. Also an opportunity to use the Law of Surprise as a selection on more than just one contract would be something to try. Maybe even limit it to one use but let it be an option for several if not many contracts.
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