Beware Disney's fake reviews
23 December 2019
If anyone gives this above a 6/10 they are either trying to "subvert expectations" harder than TLJ did or are being paid by the Mouse. I went into this as a bitterly disappointed Star Wars fan who was genuinely insulted by TLJ, but was hoping that moving directorship back to JJ would mitigate the damage. I wasn't wrong, but it didn't really help.

Dumb, inane and truly insulting writing, plot holes you could fly a Super Star Destroyer through, unbelievably ridiculous action scenes that frankly should not ever have happened, a main character who STILL isn't interesting three movies in and what is easily the least satisfying ending to anything that has the name Star Wars attached to it, and I say that as someone who played Republic Commando.

This is a slap in the face to each and every one of us and this deserves the torpedoing it's going to receive once the Mouse gives up on paying review sites to maintain a decent ratio (seriously, go Google for the current Rotten Tomatoes situation). This is surreal, and if I'm being honest Disney's efforts to keep this movie's rating in the black until they make some money back is a more interesting story than this entire new trilogy.
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