Brilliant documentary bought down by a piss poor music track
18 December 2019
10/10 for content, 5/10 for audio mixing.

The only thing that spoiled it was the sound mixing ... for about 40% of the interview and commentary scenes the music was about TWO OR THREE TIMES LOUDER than it should have been, and was so bad at times you could hardly hear what the person they were interviewing was saying. An excellent example of this was the interview with the female fan outside the cinema at ~1h20m mark where the music was so loud you almost need to lip read to figure out what she's saying. This is why it's a REALLY BAD IDEA to use the same person who composed the music as your sound editor!

They really need to re-edit this with the MUSIC SCORE reduced to about 40% of its current volume in EVERY scene where people are talking.
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