Shot Caller (2017)
Halfway accurate
18 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So some of this movie is super accurate and some of it is totally BS. The tattoos are great, there's literally tats on those guys that you wouldn't recognize if you weren't part of the prison system. It's also unlikely that his commitment offence and his background would land him in a level IV prison. The pressure that the gangs put on people is real. As long as you're not a rapist, child molester, R.A.T., and a few other crimes they won't will put in work or you will have to PC up. (Protective custody). So it's possible to enter prison with a small sentence and wind up with life. His path to being a shot caller is a little...ehh, I mean it's possible if you're intelligent and ruthless but not entirely probable. The scene at the Most of the big gangs don't have a single leader either. Oh and why does every single prison movie absolutely have to have dirty "guards"? There's definitely dirty staff that work in prisons but nothing like every single movie just has to portray. Overall it's a decent movie with both very accurate and very fake scenes. Worth a watch if you're bored.
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