Dancing Queen (2018)
Stole airtime from the dancers
17 December 2019
I found this show as I was looking for LGBT shows on Netflix. Being a dancer as well I thought this would be the perfect show.... it wasn't. The whole show focuses on Alyssa and rarely features her actual studio. Upon digging more into the show, I discovered that they actually portrayed the company as much more than it actually was.... the dancers featured weren't as talented as portrayed, and many of the talented dancers weren't even featured. Dramatization is expected with television shows, but other shows such as dance moms are actually interesting and entertaining because they show the dancers talent and growth. This show just focuses all on Alyssa, and almost every episode shows multiple scenes of her doing her makeup..... it could've had great potential but it focused too much on Alyssa instead of the dancers and the studio. I got bored after the second episode because they kept just putting in scenes of her doing her makeup, specially her eyebrows....this is nice as first but after a while it gets really old. I feel like they ran out of content to air so just put this in.... Not something i'd recommend for anyone looking for an actual dance show.
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