Another perspective of an emotional case
17 December 2019
The emotional impact of the film is undeniable. It's tough to watch sometimes and I guess it was made with an honest intention. But I want to make some points from a different point of view. The film doesn't really investigate the cause of Benni's problems. It may deal with her mother or her father, with an accident from early childhood, we cannot tell. It may be a physiological, not a psychological cause, a genetic disorder for which no one is to blame. But the film is not dealing with the cause of the problem. So why people started to point the guilty ones? It was based on what they believed it's the problem, not on what it was shown in the film. Another fact is that the authorities are dealing this case as a social one. But Benni is not a kid with some problems regarding integration, Benni suffers from a very serious psychiatric desease. He almost kills several children! She has suicidal threats, she is putting herself and the others in danger without warning. And they want to find a foster parent! They are acting with good intentions, but are they idiots? Everyone is on her side, but do you let her in your home with your children? This kind of desease, so violent and at such young age, is unfortunately only for psychiatric clinics to deal. And the chance for recovery are slim, we can only contain it, but not solve it. I think a lot of people acted emotionally, but when we think a little, we discover the fact that this is a medical case, not a social one. It's easy to say 'her mother let her boyfriend Benni and then the society, the system, our indifference etc. etc.', but again we don't know this is the case and, most important, integration of a extremely violent girl in a normal family is the way to make her well?
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