Clownhouse (1989)
Left a Bad Taste
16 December 2019
Putting aside all the controversy surrounding this film (including the events that actually transpired behind the scenes), I went into this movie at face value with no bias. I knew it was a slasher and the directorial debut of Victor Salva, so I was expecting a low-grade horror movie that, while not important in the grand scheme of cinema, would be entertaining enough to make me jump a few times and root for the main characters. Not the case.

This movie just fell flat. It was bland. It was boring. The acting, particularly from Nathan Forrest Winters (perhaps as a result of the unspeakable horrors he endured at the hands of Salva) gave a fantastic performance. The other boys were good, but Nathan was definitely the standout.

The thrills weren't all that effective, the tone of the movie was definitely uncomfortable on more than one occasion. There was an obvious attempt on the part of the director to sexualize Nathan, which is extremely uncomfortable to watch today.

Although I did say in my Powder review earlier today that I believe in second chances and forgiveness (actions, or lack thereof, speak louder than words and we're now 31 years without further allegations or investigations from Salva), I can't help but feel like this film is best left in the past, completely forgotten. MGM have done a pretty good job thus far of helping to slip this film into utter obscurity. This is not a film that anybody really needs to be watching. There's nothing in this movie that hasn't already been discussed countless times online. Save yourself the tediously boring movie and just read the commentaries regarding it online. It didn't hold up well when it was released, and it hasn't stood the test of time very well at all. If Powder is my number-one favorite movie of his and in my top 5 all-time favorites (and it is), then I would place Clownhouse at the bottom. Let this film die out. Let Nathan Forrest Winters have peace from the trauma he went through. This is a film best left in the past.
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