The stalker is the hero
14 December 2019
If you watch Hallmark Christmas movies every year like I do, you might notice that each year has a couple of overriding theme to their new movies. In 2017, the themes were "Christmas miracles" and "nothing's wrong with your boyfriend, but leave him for someone new anyway." I can't count how many Hallmarks I watched that season that featured a handsome, kind, classy boyfriend whose sole flaw was that he worked too hard and couldn't be at her beck and call. To top it all off, the un-flawed boyfriend gives her a huge gesture, either offering to move, quit his job, or spend Christmas with her family-and she still turns him down! Maybe I'm too old-at-heart for these movies; trading in for someone new doesn't guarantee a problem-free relationship, it just means you haven't discovered that person's flaws yet.

The Perfect Christmas Present is a perfect-no pun intended-example. Tara Holt has such an un-flawed boyfriend, Sam Guinan-Nyhart, whose sole flaw is that he's so intent on getting her the perfect Christmas present he hires someone to find it for him. He works very hard and doesn't have the time, and Sam Page's actual job is to find perfect, thoughtful, touching Christmas presents for people. Given the seasonal nature of his job and how he devotes exclusive time to each client, it must be incredibly expensive to hire him. When you look at it that way, isn't it nice of Sam #1 to hire Sam #2 to pick out a wonderful present for his girlfriend, rather than just getting her something generic or a gift certificate, and not caring whether it means anything to her?

So, when Sam #2 devotes every waking hour to getting to know Tara's interests, he starts to fall in love with her. Folks, let's just call this what it is: stalking. He follows her around, takes notes on her activities and routines, puts up pictures of her all over his apartment, and lies to her about his identity so he can weasel his way into her life. And this is the good guy?

As you can tell, this movie made no sense to me. I don't see why it's romantic to fall in love with someone who's being paid to stalk you. Of course he's going to seem interested in you-he's being paid a fortune to follow you around! If you disagree, check this one out. I've dubbed Sam Page "Hallmark's Marlon Brando" so it is fun to see him pretending to like someone then falling for her, like Brando did in Guys and Dolls.
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