Thank you Jeff Lew, Thank you
12 December 2019
If I were to tell you this wasn't on my top favorite movie list, I would be lying. A friend recommended "Killer Bean Forever" to me and it was likely the most considerate and selfless thing she will ever do. Now, this movie is great. And I say that completely unironically. Watching "Killer Bean Forever" isn't just a normal movie, no, no, it's an experience.

I think the best thing about this entire experience is the script. Image if Picasso and Cindy Crawford had a child. This script is their child. The witty one liners, the creative plot twists, even the intense battle scenes just mix together and make this giant sloppy messy soup which is too delicious to stop eating. I was captivated by every scene. No scene lacked over the top humor or dry/ironic comedy which made the movie a true pleasure to watch."Killer Bean Forever" isn't the most unpredictable movie BUT it has its moments. There were some real plot twists that were totally unexpected. It kept me on the edge of my seat. I came for the dancing beans but stayed for the script.

Even though the animation is purely 3D model coffee beans either dancing or fighting, it's forgivable since the script and plot line are just so strong. Honestly, there is no need for high animation budgets since the poor 3D models just add to the comedy of the movie. In fact, if this movie were to have been animated by Pixar itself it would hurt the movie more than helped it. In comparison to movies such as Life's A Jungle, the Video Brinquedo films, or ANY Dingo Pictures films, the animation looks hand crafted by God himself. It's the Quentin Tarantino film of the terrible movie hierarchy.

Though I have to say hands down, the worst atrocity of the movie is Killer Bean himself. That little bean is so dang unlikable. The hardcore I-care-for-no-one attitude he has going on just makes him seem like a jerk. It's fine to have those type of characters, but since he's the main character, it just gets really freaking annoying. I was constantly questioning his motives, like was he doing all of this in order to get a good nights sleep or because he was ordered to or because he wanted to be a public do-gooder. They usually seem more like unfinished ideas. There was almost no redemption arc for Killer Bean either. I mean technically there WAS one but it was so poorly done it was ridiculous. All together, the only reason Killer Bean has any worth is because he helps move the storyline along and, to be quite honest, for his dry humor or sly side comments.

This entire movie just seems like one big joke. It just shouldn't exist, yet here it is. And I think that's one of the reasons it makes it so great. The movie just does not take itself seriously, and I love it like that. I'm mind boggled by the commitment of Jeff Lew and the rest of the team. I mean, they produced an hour and 25 minute movie about a killer coffee bean. Who does that?

All I have left to say is this:

Thank you.
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