Castle Rock: Clean (2019)
Season 2, Episode 10
11 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is going to be a spoiler heavy review for this episode so here we go.

I really really did not like this episode at all. Well to be completely honest and fair I haven't liked most episodes out of this whole season. So that being said, I feel that not only was it a bad episode in general, but it was horrible ending for this season. The entire plot is supposed to be wrapped up in only 45 minutes and everything is super rushed through in order to get there.

The actual scenes in Castle Rock lasted for only about 15 minutes before Annie and Joy just left and never mentioned any of the characters again. I mean we spent the entire season getting to know Nadia, Abdi, Chance, and Pop only to have their stories cut short. What the hell happened to them after the house was blown up and the town was left destroyed and all the citizens left wandering around confused and scared because they had been possessed???? There's a brief mention of Chance's name at the end of the episode but other than that Castle Rock is just completely left behind.

I get that in the end Annie was going to end up insane and lonely and clinging to fantasies (I mean this is a prequel to Misery), but the way they went about writing that ending was just awful. We see Annie reading Misery through a short montage, but we don't see enough of her CONNECTING to the book. It's like she reads it one time and suddenly she's gaga over the author. I just wish they had given her more time actually reading the book and slowly becoming obsessed with it and the characters. Like maybe if she had been reading it and talking about it for the entire season it would have been more believable.

Her reasoning for killing Joy had been foreshadowed in earlier episodes by the appearance of her dead mother. That scene was very emotional and one of the only parts I liked about the episode, even though it was still very rushed. You can clearly see Annie reach her breaking point. Also I love the call back to them enjoying ice cream together but come on, when Annie mixed those pills into the ice cream it literally turned bright blue yet somehow in the next cut it's a normal color and Joy can't tell anything is wrong. 😑

Another thing that really bothered me about the finale is the fact that The Kid just leaves again?? Like he just casually looks out onto the chaos and is like ok I'm gone. I get he's an all powerful angel/demon and probably already predicted this happening, but why tease us with this grand reveal of who the angel/demon truly is just to show him for like half a second in the end and that's it? What purpose did it really serve? It seemed like such a waste of a storyline.

Overall, I knew they were gonna have a hard time tying up all these storylines in just one episode. So it seems they just decided to not tie up any except Annie's story. Everyone else is left hanging behind in Castle Rock with no word ever spoken about them again. I think that's my biggest problem with the episode as a whole. I could get past the rushed plot, but to just completely forget about certain characters because they don't fit into the ending you want is so lazy and just unforgivable.

2/10 I would just stick with season 1.
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