Never thought I'd be ashamed to be associated with superhero fandom...
11 December 2019
Every single person giving this episode a bad score simply because it's technically an episode of Batwoman - YOU ARE PATHETIC. This crossover has been gangbusters so far! The only flaw in the first 3 episodes has been the 1st and 3rd chapter feeling a little rushed as they try to cram a 12 issue maxi-series into 5 hours of television. This 2nd chapter? It was given time to breathe and give this crossover the emotional heft it deserved. EVERYONE knows the CW Arrowverse has flaws. So what? If you're watching this crossover you should expect some cliches and melodrama. IT'S THE CW. Every other part of this crossover is currently sitting in the high 9s as far as overall score. This? As of now it's an 8.5 because of fragile egos with knee-jerk prejudiced reactions instead of judging something on it's own merits. Kevin Conroy played a dark Batman and Tom Welling gave us closure on Smallvile. Not to mention a SUPERMEN FIGHT. What more do you want??? Ffs I honestly never imagined a day I'd be ashamed to call myself comic book nerd and superhero fan, but here we are...
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