The L Word: Generation Q (2019–2023)
Something's wrong
9 December 2019
I loved the original L Word so much so that I watched all seasons three times. Something felt off from the first scene of Generation Q. Bad writing? Bad directing? Bad set design or filming? I missed the homegrown feeling of the original L Word. I just didn't feel connected to any of the new characters or the former characters reprising roles. It didn't flow like the former series. I am not a critic. I can only share my experience. I couldn't wait for the former series' new episodes. It took me five tries to finish the first episode of Genetation Q. I don't know what it will take for me to get motivated to watch episode 2. Maybe they should've kept the show's main location at Bette's sister's coffee shop. I think younger viewers unfamiliar with the original L Word might receive this new series better than those of us who tuned in for season 1, episode 1 from the day it premiered.
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