I've seen The Matrix, I'm gonna do another movie
8 December 2019
It's made in 2002 but right from the start it seems more like 1992. But the whole movie is constructed like if the director and the producers just came from watching "The Matrix" and so now they want to do the same thing. It's a mediocre imitation, you'll see right away where they just went for copying "The Matrix" instead of being original. It's in the action scenes, right down to the moves and weapons, it's atrocious and will have you screaming pretty soon. It does have a consistent script and it could have been a decent action movie if it wasn't for the mediocre imitation of another movie, a blatant rip-off of all the ways and scenes from someone else's work. This said watch it if you don't mind the close copying and if you're able to turn your brain off. Many times that's exactly what we want, so I give it a solid 4 out of 10. No, not a 5 and that's just because the scene-by-scene copy of "The Matrix" really annoys me a lot. It's so in your face that you just can't ignore it. There's a reason why it's so difficult to find a copy of this movie and it isn't because it's rare, it's because it's crap.
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