Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Alternate (1994)
Season 2, Episode 12
The origins of Odo
8 December 2019
At first Rene Auberjonois is glad to see Dr. James Sloyan the Bajoran scientist who discovered and discovered that a lump of goop in a bucket was a sentient being. Odo asks Commander Sisko for a runabout to explore the Gamma quadrant to research Odo's origins.

They go there and Sloyan, Terry Farrell and Auberjonois are injured in some degree when they inhale some poisonous gas on a planet they land. And when they return it's possible that some matter from the planet came back with them and is making a home on the station.

We learn a bit more of Odo's origins and an insight on how he had to deal with being a one and only. Auberjonois dominates this DS9 story.
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