Red Sundown (1956)
7 December 2019
In addition to being the classic Western and including the bar scenes, pouring a shot, love interest, gun-play and bad & good guys this movie also introduces a unique beginning to build the story on. A promise is made under strange events & circumstances that makes for a unforgettable binding of promise that when kept is what the West was all about. A man's word was gold and the lack of that word made a man useless and worthless. As usual, we are introduced to a town and while they are all similar they still have their own dynamics. We have a decent sheriff, townspeople and a fellow or two that are not content with abundance but want more than offered and will do anything to have it. Well offsetting that are the people who disagree. Throw in a love interest and we are off to some Western entertainment. This one has a nice flow to it and is not predictable right up to its ending in some parts. Gun-slinging or renting your gun out was a way of life but risky and without virtue but in demand. The opposite was making a decent living for yourself or working for others. This theme is explored here. Catchy song at the end so stay through the credits and I highly recommend singing along if you got words on the screen. Interesting point is made in this movie worth mentioning: Using a shotgun or scatter gun also known as a canon versus pistol to pistol or even rifle is looked down upon. Why? A shotgun is considered NOT fair play as it guarantees a quick death from a distance. I have never seen this disputed in a Western and in fact have seen movies where they are glad to have that splat gun! Enjoy this take on it. The West was truly a wild place! Have snack & drink handy and saddle up here
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