War of the Worlds (2019– )
DO NOT listen to the hate for this show, Its really good.
7 December 2019
First off, like the title suggests don't bother listening to the mass hate for this show, it's solid character driven Sci-Fi but for some reason people seem to need action spoon-fed to them to be happy, This is not and was never supposed to be an action series, it is a character driven re-imagining of the aftermath of an alien attack, it was never a recreation of the original Wells story.

Should it have been called 'war of the worlds' probably not, however, 8 episodes is not enough time to flesh out what they are trying to do, especially with such a large cast, The story and ending is quite clever if you have more than 2 brain cells to rub together and remember this is not a carbon copy of any of the others, it is a 're-imagining', meaning that the original concept of an 'alien attack' is the only thing that is the same.

I think a lot of people were expecting the typical 20 minutes of character introduction and then non stop action for the rest, like a lot of Sci Fi, instead here the action takes a back role in favour of character development.

I would highly recommend this show for anyone who likes to think for themselves rather than those who like to be spoon-fed explosions and cheesy lines but do not go into it expecting the same Wells story as has been done before.

Lastly (no spoilers) A lot of people seem to hate the show because of the ending, calling it 'flat' and 'boring' and rather than use their brains to think about it for more than 10 seconds these people jumped to the conclusion that it was bad, it wasn't, its actually really good, well thought out and thought provoking at the same time it also gives away a massive realisation for going forward with another season but these people leaving reviews clearly did not understand the ending or what it was meant to suggest to the viewer and all i can say is my jaw dropped with it and i can not wait for another season.
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