Love Suddenly (2019 TV Movie)
As bad as the title suggests
7 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Auf einmal war es Liebe" is a German small screen movie from 2019, actually this one had its premiere just last night, so I am really fast with reviewing this one. And it must be said that it was a big waste of time. The title is already pretty telling in terms of what to expect here. It sounds like a mix of Rosamunde Pilcher and Utta Danella and if you have seen any of this, then you know this is not a compliment by any means. Cheese and cringe of the worst kind. And it kinda fits the film as well, even if most of the time it rather feels like the television equivalent of a Schweighöfer movie. Which is not a compliment either, even if I know many Germans adore these. But lets be a bit more spcific now. The writer and director is André Erkau and he had quite some success on the big screen not too long ago, so I am a bit surprised to see him return to television films, especially because this one here is by far not his only one from recently. He also plays a smaller character in this film here. The lead actor is played by Kostja Ullmann, certainly the most known cast member as he has been in German films (also theatrical releases) for a long time. The rest of the cast does not include any names. Maybe I as a German film buff have come across Riedle, Allmayer and maybe even Hartmann in other projects, but hardly anybody will recognize them. It's all about Ullmann. Always. Okay now for the story. I thought it was a mess. The key is basically without going really much into detail that I never cared emotionally for anything in this movie. I would have been perfectly fine with the two not getting together and the protagonist staying single at the end of the film. (His best buddy is much more interesting anyway.) Which of course was obvious would never happen as they are going for forced happy endings in 99% of these movies and another really high percentage usually says these endings are pretty over-the-top and unrealistic. This is true here too. The video message is the best example. And no comment on all the people standing there and clapping before the closing credits roll in.

The only slightly nice idea this film has to offer script-wise is that he is not getting together with his childhood love, but instead with the woman who has a child. She's single anyway and I guess they were too scared of going against marriage too obviously here because some older audiences (who will probably enjoy this more than younger) believe in these values more than we do, the people under 50 or even 40. I still preferred Marie and as I did not like Ullmann's character, I actually liked that he did not get her. So what else? Oh yes, of course the taser scene. Now what the hell was that? Terrible stuff. You don't just use a weapon like this so randomly. Terrible stuff. Another great example of how they messed up in terms of the comedic writing here because clearly they thought that audiences ould find it funny. And still not feel for the guy who gets tasered and we should be happy that after he wakes up from his unconsciousness is told immediately to leave. How am I supposed to like characters who do stuff like that, even if the victim is certainly not a saint either. But still. So yeah, you will find poorly written moments and scenes like this from beginning to end with this movie. So the very best choice for you is to skip the watch entirely. I myself was glad it only ran for 90 minutes and I give it a big thumbs-down. German television films are really not in a good place right now as this very new one here proves. Even if you like Ullmann (and I sure don't), it feels literally impossible in my opinion to end up liking this film. Watch something else instead.
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