Gargoyles (1994–1997)
The first half is fantastic, but not the conclusion
6 December 2019
Note: I have seen all 3 seasons.

Gargoyles is pretty intense for a kid's show. The themes are pretty advanced, but explained in a way that's easy to grasp. The show is still appropriate for the 7+ crowd it was rated for, but it doesn't treat the audience like they're idiots just because they're kids. For most kids, this show is an excellent introduction to discussions of morality.

Season 1 & first half of Season 2 - Xanatos is an excellent villain. He's such a master manipulator that there's even a trope named after him called the Xanatos Gambit. Each episode's story is perfectly bite-sized for a kid, but Xanatos' overarching story is written well enough to keep even adults entertained. 6/10

Season 2 (second half) - I recommend you stop watching before this point (beginning with the Avalon episodes). Now the show becomes very episodic. It falls back into the comfort of being just another kid's show instead of the well-written series it was before. The overarching story is still interesting, but there's much less substance spread over many more episodes. 5/10

Season 3 - Contunues the trend of episodic storytelling, but it completely removes all overarching storylines. Season 2 sets up Xanatos for a perfect gambit conclusion, but season 3 completely rewrites his character for no apparent reason. Season 2 also sets up a complex world where the gargoyles can potentially be overwhelemed by daily life, but season 3's writers seem to struggle with how to implement complexity into a kid's show. Instead of simply looking to season 1 for guidance, they write a story that appears half hearted or glossed over. It's a very poor conclusion for a series that had so much potential. 3/10
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