Review of Power

Power (2014–2020)
Understand it's appeal.....
6 December 2019's very similar to the reason why people still eat fast food knowing that it's horrible for you. It's, glitzy, glamorous and completely unrealistic, but it allows its viewers to watch a drama about the drug game without getting their hands, or eyes dirty. Even I have made it to season 5, slowly but surely, and mainly because every now and then I want to watch something simple but entertaining. With that said, this show is very contrived and is two steps away from a soap opera. It also has some of the most ridiculously stupid characters a show could have. Even people I know who love the show can't stand certain characters like Angela and Ghost's son. I have to admit, I have literally fast forwarded past scenes with Angela in them. It's not the actress , it's the completely over the top way the writers make these characters do things. Angela, for example, is a complete mess. A woman who loves a drug dealer who is married, even though she's a FBI agent. Then there is the problem with well written characters who are horrible actors. I know I'm going to get heat for this, but the character that fits this bill is Tommy. I simply can't stand his cardboard acting and wide eyed expressions. I simply have not bought into him being a "tough" guy. His acting is simply horrible. The saving grace is the lead character and the characters wife. Their dynamic is realistic. Her delivery is spot on in every scene she's in. If you feel shows like Empire are great then this one will be a masterpiece for you. But if you want depth , pass this by and watch The Wire, which is on Amazon prime as well or watch the British crime drama Top Boy.
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