One of the worst episodes of the whole series.
5 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so disappointed in this show. Last episode was one of the best episodes in the whole series, and then they ruined it with this episode--one of the worst episodes of the whole series. Okay, first of all, evil Flash just runs out of the room where all of the people who can stop him are. (Cait, Cisco, and Iris). He just zips away and does what??? He could have turned them or killed them right there. Or captured them and brought them back to Ramsey. Then they forcefield off Star Labs (Where the hell has that been? so many people sneak in to there). "Nothing can get in or out, not even our comms."--Direct quote from Cisco. LITERALLY three seconds later they receive a radio transmission, like okay. So then Iris moronically teleports to evil flash. Evil flash has a second chance here to kill or turn her but decides not to??? Then Ramseys finds Joe and Killer Frost in the middle of Central City and decides to send his zombie goons after them rather than just killing/turning them himself. Again just what the hell writers??? What was Ramsey's doing that was more important than that? Okay, so then Cisco teleports in and zaps Ramseys, then for like the fourth time Ramseys has a chance to kill/turn Cisco but decides not to for no reason at all??? He kept acting like he is so much smarter than everyone else, like he has some super smarty pants plan that is going to wow us all when he executes it. Then just shows up at Star Labs and says "pretty please let me in." And Ciscos just like "K" and does. Why did bloodwork even need to be there? His zombies can turn people, he could have just sent them rather than going himself. He could have sent evil flash in and just captured/turned/killed all of Star Labs, but doesn't for some reason. Then of course, mind controlling never works in Tv shows; all you need is a heartfelt speech and they snap out of it, so that happens and Ramseys loses. So also there was a side story with Cecille. What was Cecille's power??????? She said "I'm a human zombie detector." Then proceeds to walk through the halls, and I kid you not the two times that she actually detects zombies, she does so with her eyes? Like, come on writers. Also, side note, where was Elongated Man?

Last episode had me extremely excited for this villains and then this episode proceeded to kill my enjoyment of this story line. I'm still excited for the crossover next week, but I was extremely dissatisfied with this episode.
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