A strong mid-season finale, but disappointing coming off of one of the best episodes.
4 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Flash seems to be finally improving. I hope I'm not speaking to soon though because there have been many instances of a hopeful first half, followed by a disappointing continuation. The last episode of The Flash was one of it's best, so to come back to just a strong episode is disappointing. Most of my grievances have to come from the little repercussions from Ramsay. Ultimately what did this villain accomplish. If I'm being completely honest, the first half of this season, despite being an improvement and having one of the best episodes of the show, does feel uneventful. Ramsay really didn't do anything to change team flash. His motivations weren't particularly strong, and apart from the last episode he didn't have many good moments. I did really like when he turned into a full blood monster. The CGI was surprisingly good, but apart from that not much else was impressive. They didn't really do as much as they could with Negative Flash. I feel like the overall episode just felt too rushed. While it may seem I am being overly negative, I did really enjoy this episode. There were some very cool moments, like the aforementioned blood monster, the long take with Cecile and Alegra, and Barry's farewell, but to close off this arc, it feels a bit empty. There could've been a lot more done. It was also very stupid of Russo not to kill any of the team flash members when he had the chance. The explanation just seemed like plot convenience. However, once again I did find this to be a strong episode, probably the best apart from the first part. It had its emotional moments, it's cool moments, but a lack of stakes, and the rushed feeling of the episode bring it down as a whole.
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