Astoundiing & Spectacular Story, Music, Video, Audio, and Production Quality
1 December 2019
Finally saw "Lynyrd Skynyrd - if I Leave here Tomorrow" through Prime Video - indeed splendidly done; one can tell that a *lot* of careful thought-ful work went into creating it. . . .

Had not known a lot of things, such as history behind how band's name came about (way cool story), details of the plane crash, other Musicians that wafted through L.S., and many other aspects and details. ... Plus, in it i *Love* the turning "Skynyrd" into a VERB by saying "we'd Skynyrd-ize them..." {i.e., the song lyrics of a new band-member)--brothers after my own heart.... From this person here who turns everything into a Verb !

The documentary is iconic, great Music, and well worth seeing.... #TrulyExcellent.
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