Skyrunners (2009 TV Movie)
Pretty Good Sci-fi Flick for the Whole Family
30 November 2019
I saw this one when it came out on Black Friday of 2009, and decided to watch it again on Black Friday of 2019. To say the least I was pleasantly surprised how well it held up over 10 years.

First of all if your reading the negative reviews let me say this in response. This in a sci-fi movie about aliens, made to be family friendly. Disney perhaps took a cheesy route on a few things because I imagine the didn't want a lot of feedback for parents about their kids having nightmares from the film. I have to commend Disney on making a film that held the line between being engaging sci-fi and family friendly. As for the acting I'd say or was on par for most Disney Channel films of not a little better.

What got me the most about this film after watching it after ten years is the special effects. Again a few cheesy moments now and then, but for the most part the mixed practical and CGI effects held up well.

With that said the one aspect of this film I really liked was the relationship between the two brothers, which the film does dig into throughout the movie. It was a direction I didn't expect the film to make, but really bought some heart to the film.
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