Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019 Video Game)
A great game, with some major and minor flaws
29 November 2019
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a game we Star Wars fans have been wanting for years. We haven't had a Star Wars single-player game this good since... hell KOTOR 2. I wasn't overly sold on the game, from the idea of EA making another game, and judging but their horrific track record, who can blame me? The gameplay trailer we also saw didn't sell me either, as the gameplay looked bland. 'However', the game turned out to be much better than I expected, with a great story, great combat (sometimes) and great characters.

There was not one bad charcater in this entire game, from our main lead, Cal, or Cere, and even the alien captain - Greez. The main villian of the game, The Second Sister was a much better developed villian than I expected her to be, and he made for a very intimidating foe in combat. The graphics and sound design in this game is flawless, while some of the textures on some character models look dated, the atmosphere is perfect. This game is like a blend of Uncharted, Dark Souls, Tomb Raider and Star Wars mixed into one, and it fits so well.

I do have some problems with the game, ranging from minor issues, to major ones. First being, some bugs here and there. They aren't game breaking, but they can take you out of the game for a moment while they fix themselves. Also another minor issues, or I'll say major issue, is that there is no option to increase the camera sensitivity. This irritated the hell out of me. Why they didn't include this in the game is a mystery, and it makes for some combat encounters annoying, as you can't move the camera around fast enough to see your opponent coming. Which brings me onto the biggest issue with the game - the difficulty. Now I've played Dark Souls, and while that game was very hard, it was also fair. Here, Fallen Order works beautifully with Jedi Knight and Jedi Master difficulty. Jedi Grand Master, however is pathetic. It's like the developers were sitting in a room and went, "just make enemies hit harder, and make your character bug out while blocking, rolling, or do anything." When will companies learn, that giving enemies more health, and making them hit harder, does not make for a harder game. Smart AI, does. Fallout 4, despite it's flaws, has a perfect hard more. Because of the slow movement of your character, you don't have enough time to react to your enemies, making the mode both stupid and frustrating. So if you want to enjoy the game, with a little difficulty, avoid that mode, and stick to Jedi Master. As its pointless playing it on Grand Master, as you aren't even rewarded for your troubles with and achievement, making it even more stupid.

So, despite the issues the game has, its still amazing, and should be picke dup by both Star Wars fans, and non Star Wars fans. Hopefully, due to the ending, we get some DLC, or maybe a sequel in the future, because I want to explore more of this galaxy in this way - maybe head to Coruscant, that would be sweet.

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