Loose Woman does good
26 November 2019
I caught this film a while back and stripping it of all the negativity the press gave it due mainly to the crooked producers behind this film, I thought this was a brave move and simply ahead of it's time in terms of themes and issues it addresses.

It is a heavily led female film, a black male lead and not one stereotype in sight. It is clever, well-paced story that belies the limited budget and nonsense that was taking place BTS.

The one person who should be praised, aside from the director whose story has been covered worldwide, is that of Loose Woman Andrea McLean in her debut outing as an actress, tacking things clearly outside of her comfort zone and tackling them well. She gave an excellent performance and I applaud her in her choices here - a far cry from the Miss Goodie Two-Shoes she is in real life.

The film has its flaws, but the acting isn't one of them. Productions values are high and the plot twists hold you right till the very end scene.

Don't believe the media slurs and watch this little gem for yourselves. I believe you will be pleasantly surprised.
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