Twinkle All the Way (2019 TV Movie)
26 November 2019
The premise has been used but not as much as some. Two single parents get thrown together to organize a Christmas pageant, or in this case just the sets. Both are busy with huge important deadlines Christmas Eve. Fortunately the pageant is not the same night. It's been done, but somehow it felt different than most of them.

There's a hint of something magical about Henry and his mother Twinkle (yes that's her name). Cadence is the cliche list maker, but you quickly get the sense that she is capable of at least a little flexibility. Sarah Drew and Ryan McPartlin connect. Add two cute little girls, 6 and 7 I think, and this movie gets a double kid bonus, but in this case it's the kids that bond with each other, not adult to kid as in so many other movies. The movie gives them all time to develop relationships.

There is a male gay couple that are affectionate. If that really bothers you, don't watch, but it doesn't interfere with anything.

Somehow I knew what the crisis would be - previews maybe? But I did not see the solution coming until the last minute. That part was done well.
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