4/20 Massacre (2018)
Recommend to get stoned first
25 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love horror movies... I usually go easy on critiquing them. But this movie doesn't work at all. I like the hunter better than the girls. The 5 girls with all the Yapping and carrying on. I can't relate or care about them if they get killed. The writing was boring...

The filming location in Big Bear CA is not scary. Daytime not scary. Example... Blair Witch was a creepy forest. This place is not creepy. If a Ranger can drive up to the girls in a truck. Then there not far away from help. Plus a horror without sex or nudity is breaking the rules of horror... Kids that have sex die. Again... All Day shots are not scary. Most of the scenes were shot with to much sun. Again not scary. If you're gonna go camping it should have night scenes that get scary...

Lighting might have been a problem, or no budget for lighting period. The Cookie Monster Suit wasn't scary either. Should have spent more time on the script and story.

Sorry... I hate being hard on horror movies. But this movie was horrible and had no point or journey.
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