Windy City Rehab (2019– )
I wanted to like this..
23 November 2019
Being from Chicago and being an HGTV fan I really wanted to like this. First of all, I realize personalities differ, but Alison is hard to warm up to. Her ego is huge, and that's always a turn off. Everything is I, me, my money, etc. I always cringe when people refer to themselves in the third person and she called one of her range hood covers an "Allison Victoria original". Huh? I also realize HGTV hosts can be repetitive with their design styles, but after the gut jobs the floor plans are all the same in all these Chicago homes, thus making each final reveal very predictable. Lots of brass, velvet, some old stuff thrown in and abstract art. The results are pretty and interesting at first, but the repetition combined with her ungracious attitude makes me not that interested anymore
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