22 November 2019
I wanted to go back to the start of "Rick and Morty" and review each episode in turn, but unfortunately it's not worked out for me timewise yet, so I'll start here - in the fourth season's debut.

Rick and Morty set out to an alien land to mine some death crystals, which show anyone who touches them their death. Seeing that one of his options shows him dying an old man in Jessica's arms. Morty then begins to let the crystal guide his decisions, which leads to Rick's untimely death and Morty's further refusal to help with his regeneration. Whilst Morty goes "Full Akira" Rick travels the multiverse restoring in various forms and trying to get home.

As ever, the breadth of ideas, in this one episode alone, is stunning. Not just the central conceit of what Morty is prepared to do to guarantee the death he wants, but also the variety of Rick's returns and what happens there. If that wasn't enough, there is meta-commentary (and actual commentary) about producing a fourth season and trying to find the balance between fan service and new ideas - hence the return of Meeseeks boxes and the man himself. It's a really funny episode too, several laugh out loud moments, several dark concepts and a good few moments of inspiration.

I'm forever worried that the ideas well will dry up, but the writer's room still appear to be firing on all cylinders.
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