Left Behind (I) (2014)
22 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers

This film, wow. It's stunning. The acting, the script, the plot, the constantly changing plane. It's a heart wrenching classic.

In summery Thanos has managed to get all the infinity stones and people have started to disappear. Mainly the children as they're the smallest so take the least time to turn to dust. The Avengers are nowhere to be seen so Nick Cage takes it upon himself to save the day as Captain Ray Steele.

It's hard to pick a favourite part of the movie, but I think mine would be the part where Nick was running out of fuel after having a mid air crash with another plane, and he had nowhere to land, terrifying. It's so lucky that his daughter (just in college) is like Evel Knievel on a motorcycle! She managed to find a truck and clear the road so he has somewhere to land. And she knew how to drive the tarmac roller thingy. AND then started an explosion so Nick would know to land the plane!

I did feel for the passengers on that landing though, it must have been like a Ryan Air flight.

I give it 1 out of 10 stars, but 10 Nick Cage's out of 10.
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